The Rebel Chapter 2 - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 2 By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 1 - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 1 By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Inspiration by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

What inspires a person? In mythological times, it was believed that Muse(s) bring about inspiration to a person to create wonderful pieces of art, literature, music and anything along those lines. What is now believed is that people get inspiration from many different things in their lives. 

It could be their family. It could be their friends. It could be the painting hanging on the wall, or just the smell of a flower. It could even come from a story heard from some friend's friend's mother's sister's husband's uncle. The point being proven that inspiration can come from anywhere.

What inspiration is, is basically something that makes a person do something. It's not just about art, or not just about music or writing something. It's about being able to do something that one might not want to do. I am inspired by almost everything. My family, my friends, the environment around me, the music I listen to, a person yapping about in a video about something, a cute animal, a vicious event from school, and the list goes on and on. 

And what actually happens when I am inspired? I mostly get motivated to do things like writing or to study harder or work harder. It's one way of making me do things better, than just letting them be normal. Although at times inspiration does have its dry spills which really tanks, but older inspirations can still help.

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin


Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

So it has finally started to rain today. It's been a while. Everything looks so nice and refreshing. The leaves look clean and well fed I must say. The weather is finally better.

It's so nice listening to nature's little concert. Drip, drip, pitter, patter, and then again, there's the 'natural' disorder of the cars passing by sending the squishing sounds and splashing of water, and mud everywhere. Occasionally the thunder drums in the background, and the lightning intensifies the event.

Rain really is a blessing. If only it were regular...

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin