
Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Alright guys, so the previous entry "Flipside of Friendship" was just a thought about friendship. I was thinking about the dark side of friendship, following the recent themes of this Harbinger's Diaries.

Flipside of Friendship...  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

When I click on the word friendship, this is what I get on the synonyms’ tab: companionship, amity, acquaintance, comradeship, camaraderie, closeness, familiarity and alliance. But the true meaning of friendship is just the horrible truth, and the horrible opposite; it means hurt, it means pain, it means being ready to be put down by your own friend, and it could also mean being ready to be back stabbed, and in the most painful manner as well.

The main thing that causes most of the problems is the fact that one friend could ask for the other to give in to a sort of trust. However, that’s not true. This trust is in fact the key that opens up the Pandora’s Box of all friendships. It opens up to expectations that are to be broken, secrets to be exposed and all in all, pain of loneliness. Friends aren’t there to be forever. We all know the meaning and the phrase really well by now: everything comes to an end. 

There’s not one thing that is not immune to this ending disease. Even friendships are ended. A friend is someone whom a person gets really close to. A person learns to look up to his or her friend. A person trades secrets with a friend. He or she also learns to expect that the friend would be there for him or her. What happens when it all comes crashing down?

Everyone knows what happens, yet we are all prepared to accept that downfall, or do we? Some people would just crash and burn, withdraw themselves from ever making friends. Others, who don’t give a damn, just seriously don’t give a damn. To them, it is a person who enters into their lives and leaves. True there might be some sort of disappointment, but it can be shaken away easily too for them. Those who cannot shake it away are the crashers and burners. They can stay hurt forever, and never move on.

What if Vampires were Real?  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin in , , , , , , , , ,

If vampires were real, what would our world be like? Would we be cowering in the shadows, masking our scent and donning religious symbols all over us? Would they look like what they have been designed to look like: colorless, faint, beautiful but dead?

For all we know maybe they really do exist. They're already in our systems. They're already sucking on the life blood of our economies. And the major blame of this so called "recession".

It's us.

We're the vampires of this so called fantasy. We've been sucking away the blood of the economy, hoarding it and not allowing it to flow. Our collective logical thinking brought about one big problem, the paradox of thrift! And still we won't start to let the blood flow unless we see others do so. No one will start the move. We all want to save it for ourselves. That's what we are. We are vampires in this world economy.

Ode to Ye, Oh Wagers of Wars By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Ode to ye, oh wagers of wars
Lakes of blood and ponds of tears
Cries come thundering to your ears
Yet ye wish to start more wars
What is the logic behind your heart?

Bring forth the requiem for the dead
The innocent, the people all full of dread
They shout their fears yet ye dost not hear
Their voices quiver to your hushing words
Oft not reaping desirable results

Oh pray, oh wagers of battles for long
What about the graves piling day by day
Of the men and women and children long gone
What of those who still survive seeing today
Souls now shaken and hearts left fully astray

Seeing with eyes and hearts all open
Pain; our price to see it end
Oh wagers of conflicts, see the strife
And please doth lead us to hope and peace
Oh pray you dost lead us to a better life…

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Filth in Beauty  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

We live in this filth that we call beauty, how ironic is that? Honestly, we keep trying to make everything all peachy, but what is the truth? Pain, tears and even sorrow have been hiding in the depths of all the happiness that we see pouncing around everywhere.

Murderers are allowed to live, while those they killed are just buried into the dirt and dust where they will erode away from even memories. But murderers will still live on, breath, and maybe find more victims if they so please. We only hope and pray that they would find redemption. But really will they?

The rich are allowed to get richer, but the poor, they just get poorer and poorer. While we sit and blame it on lack of awareness, nothing is being done to help them. They cry. They plead. They scream. But their voice is just so tiny, not even a bat can hear it.

We live in a place where everything is supposed to be beautiful but everything beneath it is just dark, drab and dismal. The base of it all is just so weak, yet what makes us think that this euphoric state will be permanent? Hope? It is just like the Titanic, when everyone used to believe that it was unsinkable, but really, what happened? It was just another boat that had its imperfections.

We're all imperfect. We all just love to put into our minds the ideas of a euphoria that will never exist. So what we do is, we project that euphoria into our real worlds, and forget the implications. Honestly, who cares what will happen to the third person. The externalities have never ever been considered and only theoretically put in play. If we know something bad will happen, we brush it away. And then we just say what a beauty.

Everyone builds their own happiness, through money, through laundering, through whatever means possible. The human race is such an intelligent and beautiful race, but we don't fall short of filth either. With this intelligence we have greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, gluttony and wrath. Making us so despicable. We are ready to pounce on others to get what we want, even if it is not a matter of survival. We as humans are ready to kick and bite and kill even the hand that feeds us as part of our gratitude. We've been horrible people. We've destroyed ourselves. We're filth.

Only hope brings us the salvation to think of the beauty of our euphoria. But no one will take a step to change it all, and even if one does, the hardships and obstacles towards the goal is so harsh, that it would take just will power to break through. But until then, we live in this filth that we call beauty...

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin | WritersCafe.org  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin | WritersCafe.org

Survival Kits - Surviving Earth in the 21st Century  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

When we learn about the necessities in life, people always answer the three basic necessities, and honestly that cliched answer is becoming more and more monotonous each time one hears it. It's like it's on a tape recorder and each time the question is asked, the player plays it automatically on voice recognition - in this case vocabulary recognition.

"Food, Clothing, Shelter."

Really? Are those three things the only basic necessities? Here's my list of the basic necessities of human survival in today's world:
  1. Food: Which in my definition is anything we give our stomachs. It also includes clean drinking water, and all those commercial drinks that we chug down, and all that dumb junk food
  2. Clothing: Yes, we do need to be clothed, not only to be warm but to be human
  3. Shelter: this means a house, not a box in the street near a dumpster. This means solid walls that do not get blown away like the ones in the Three Pigs and the Wolf story
  4. Money: anyone who says money does not mean anything, needs to be kept in a mental institute. By money I don't mean you need to be a millionaire or a billionaire or anything on that line. By money, I mean a means of being able to purchase at least food. Why am I saying this? Simple. No money, no food, unless you can grow your own vegetables and grains, but then that would deprive you of meat, which you would need to buy anyway!
  5. Education: No education? No job!
There's more where these necessities came from. It also includes electricity, communication and etc.

I stand by my five basic basic necessities, but even getting these necessities is so hard, it becomes a challenge for people to get them. No matter how basic these may be, the procedure for attaining these things are so complicated, and so interlinked, that they all become one big necessity.

Child Soldiers and Basic Facts  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Child soldiers is a common notion describing the position where a child or a minor has to wield a weapon and fight in a war. However, it has been accepted that this is not the only meaning of child soldier. The definition given by Unicef based on the Cape Town Principles 1997 is as follows:
"... a 'child soldier' as any child - boy or girl - under 18 years of age, who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity, including, but not limited to: cooks, porters, messengers, and anyone accompanying such groups other than family members. It includes girls and boys recruited for forced sexual purposes and/or force marriage..."
Imagine while reading the above definition that you were going through those atrocities while you were a child. Even thinking about it sends chills down one's spine. How can a child be brought to face such issues? Isn't it unfair? Aren't we supposed to protect their innocence? 

There is no exact figure of how many kids are involved with war, but the range is between 250,000 and 350,000, in about 30 conflicts of today altogether. The amount might be small for us as compared to the 6 billion people in the world, but think of it this way, these children are supposed to be our future. Stripping them off their innocence is going to give them a dark future. Some may not live to see the future, others may continue on with the darkness, surviving through the only thing they know: violence, and the rest may only be forgotten.

Think about it... they are the children of our future, the future that we so desire to protect. Let's take steps to create awareness about this issue along with all the other issues. They may not know who we are, and how we helped them, but giving them hope for a better future is reward enough for all of us.

Little Mindless Soldier - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Little Mindless Soldier
By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin 

Curled up on the floor, dying
Loneliness around you
Holding onto dear tiny life,
Young boy, do you want your revenge?
I want to hear an answer
I want to hear a ‘Yes, sir!
Or do you want to die
Like everybody else?
I will close your wounds
All you have to do is obey
Here is a gun to shield yourself
Kill our foe and heed my orders
I want to hear an answer
I want to hear a ‘Yes, sir!
Or do you want to die
Like everybody else?
Take my hand and do not fret
Strip your innocence, cast it away
I will save you, while you decay
Turn into my little mindless soldier
I want to hear an answer
I want to hear a yes, sir
Or do you want to die
Like everybody else?
Yes, that’s right, that’s right
My little mindless soldier
Take this little offer, and never forget
That I am now your caretaker
No longer child, no longer human
Broken, battered then bred for war
Dangling from the bonds of his master
The one now in possession of his soul
 By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Social Issues and Their Understanding By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin in , ,

Everyone says that there are tons of social issues going on. But my main issue here is do we really understand what social issues are? We say things like, "Oh, the politics is a big issue!", or "Poverty is a major social issue which needs to be tackled,", and even, "We have an identity crisis." Don't get me wrong, I'm also one of those people. But it really got me thinking, do we really understand them?

I mean we talk a lot about it. We gave it a name. But if we know that there is this thing that's called an issue, then don't you think we should have an answer by now. I mean there are scholars out there who talk about it for years, but has there been a practical response towards it so far?

Poverty, for example, being on one of the main social issues' agenda, hasn't been internationally given a proper standard yet (there are different views to go about it, and different organizations and even countries have their own definition, A Dollar A Day is one of the most basic definitions used to define poverty though, and I'm sticking to that for now). Despite being defined 'A Dollar A Day', many find this standard as not possible to be the same for every country - which I believe is true, in most manners. If we know poverty is an issue all over the world, why don't we first define it comprehensively, find a base line to start off with. I'm not an expert, but it doesn't take an expert to understand that we need a starting line in order to fish out the solution to a problem.

Why is it that we just point out problems and not the solutions? Is it our nature to play the blame game? Most of us say, (another example), "If the politics of a country is stable, only then the economy will be stable". My friend, could you tell me how the politics of a country could become stable, instead of just ranting on a subject? I would just like to know one more thing and that is how do we understand an issue?

Do we look at an issue from just one point of view or from different sources and schools of thoughts? What is it that needs to be done? I don't think I can come up with a conclusion for this one. I'm just saying what's pouring out of my mind, and I think this is fairly good for me so far.

Another rant ended... by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Should Kids be Fighting Our Wars? By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin in , , ,

Well, I really don't know much about wars yet. But I do know that in some places, even in today's world, there are young children who are fighting wars for their country. Is it because they want to do it themselves? Or are they forced to wield a weapon against other soldiers who maybe more experienced in battle then themselves?

For me, the definition of a child is someone who has not yet reached maturity, who is supposed to carefree and most importantly the one whom should be protected. They are not the ones to protect us. Imagine hiding behind a child, I can see the humiliation in that. To push a child to protect oneself is the most cowardly act anyone can think of committing.

I am thinking of writing more about this topic, but first since I have done no research on it, I will not say much except for what I feel is wrong about having a juvenile hold a gun and kill someone. Where do they dump the child's innocence? What happens once a child has seen the evils of society at such a young age? It just doesn't seem right at all. This was the reason why I wrote the poem Porcelain Child and Little Mindless Soldier (which I will post a little later, although it is on StoryWrite.com), from my own opinions of this topic.

Let's get together and be the ones to protect the ones who actually need us: the children. Give them the life that children deserve, a happy one. No one wants to reflect on an extremely harsh childhood, we all know that by now. So let's get together.

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Porcelain Child By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Porcelain Child 
Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

An angel of innocence
Running down the street
Ignorant to insolence
Carefree and in bliss

Puerile porcelain child
Once pure and divine
Now broken and deviled
Poor porcelain child

Dark desires’ harbinger
Brings forth all hate
Now tainted, stained avenger
Frowns, scowls and irate

Puerile porcelain child
Once pure and divine
Marching on with weapons
With no more smiles…

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 2 - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 2 By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 1 - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Rebel Chapter 1 By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Inspiration by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

What inspires a person? In mythological times, it was believed that Muse(s) bring about inspiration to a person to create wonderful pieces of art, literature, music and anything along those lines. What is now believed is that people get inspiration from many different things in their lives. 

It could be their family. It could be their friends. It could be the painting hanging on the wall, or just the smell of a flower. It could even come from a story heard from some friend's friend's mother's sister's husband's uncle. The point being proven that inspiration can come from anywhere.

What inspiration is, is basically something that makes a person do something. It's not just about art, or not just about music or writing something. It's about being able to do something that one might not want to do. I am inspired by almost everything. My family, my friends, the environment around me, the music I listen to, a person yapping about in a video about something, a cute animal, a vicious event from school, and the list goes on and on. 

And what actually happens when I am inspired? I mostly get motivated to do things like writing or to study harder or work harder. It's one way of making me do things better, than just letting them be normal. Although at times inspiration does have its dry spills which really tanks, but older inspirations can still help.

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin


Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

So it has finally started to rain today. It's been a while. Everything looks so nice and refreshing. The leaves look clean and well fed I must say. The weather is finally better.

It's so nice listening to nature's little concert. Drip, drip, pitter, patter, and then again, there's the 'natural' disorder of the cars passing by sending the squishing sounds and splashing of water, and mud everywhere. Occasionally the thunder drums in the background, and the lightning intensifies the event.

Rain really is a blessing. If only it were regular...

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Age of Misery - By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

The Age of Misery
By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin
This world is a horrifying place
Discarded corpses are everywhere
Ruled by everyone’s anger and hate
The whole place is full of despair
Blood stains the precious rivers
Cries and tears fill the acrid air
Greed leads to destructive endeavors
Compassion and will have disappeared
The earth is burnt to a crisp
Food and shelter, lost commodities
Loot and rob at every chance
Let’s all welcome the age of misery
By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Freedom of Speech? By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin in , , , , , , , ,

What is freedom of speech? Anyone would tell you that it means the right to speak up our minds whenever we feel like it, and no one can do anything about it. But then, if that's the case then what is the meaning of the right to not be offended? What about the right to not be discriminated?

Freedom of speech is not something that was given to us. It is something we fabricated ourselves.We should use the freedom of speech as an advantage for the mankind, not as a weapon to cause distress and violence for anyone at all. On the other hand, our brains are given to us. It's a gift. We should use it. But when have we done that?

Over the past few days, there have been some terrible events that stirred up a lot of trouble, and who was to blame? Exactly. It was freedom of speech. We take it so lightly, that it pains me to say that we are not using the brains that has been given to us. The brains that we have are used for logically analyzing what we are about to say, before we say it. But hasn't that gone to waste? Our intelligence may be superior to even animals, but it pains me to say that animals are more civil than we humans are.

Who gave the right to people to offend people? I thought that was a BIG 'NO WAY'! Why are people talking about Peace on Earth, when it is quite evident that it's not going to happen with how we are behaving in this world. Like little children in the playground with no teachers or parents to supervise. Screaming at each other and fighting whenever there is a chance to do so.

I fear that as freedom of speech is taken more and more for granted, the move from us saying, "the world is changing for the better," to "the world is just changing for the worse" becomes more and more imminent and evident. Please, if we want peace, let us think about it. Let us be like friends. Let there be respect. Let there be honor. For everyone. Everywhere. People please, we need to act now, or else the songs for 'Peace on Earth' will fade away, and we will tumble back into the Darker Ages. 

By Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Megas XLR Season 1 Review  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Alright, I think this is like a really lame that I'm writing a review about this after all it's a really old show. But WHATEVER. This was a funny show. I just finished watching the first season. So here are the reviews, and there are no pictures because I do not want copyright people bothering me.

Coop and Jamie meet a girl from the future, Kiva who wants to get back the robot that Coop bought for $ 2 in the junkyard, and modified it. Kiva realizes she no longer is able to use the robot, in hopes to defeat the Glorfts; those ugly slimy wormy looking aliens that have supposedly conquered a lot of planets/galaxies.

Well the show is funny. It's filled with nonsensical gags that are just too awesomely placed. Yeah, older viewers might not like it, because of the nonsense going on in it. But it has quite a lot of reference to a lot of what's around us. The S-Force episode bashed the Power Rangers. Battle Royale bashed the wrestling sport. I was laughing every time something bad happened to Pop TV, which was a parody of MTV.

All in all, I give this show 4/5 thumbs up. Go five it a try. It's a good comedy for a good time pass.

If you've already watched it, let me know if you could catch up on some of the parodies that this show has made, other than the ones I have mentioned. HEHE, I challenge you!

Top Anime of 2009  

Posted by Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin

Don't get all jumpy, cuz this one is top anime that I've watched in 2009:

1. Darker than Black 2
2. Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
3. Soul Eater
4. Bleach
5. Ouran High School Host Club
6. Claymore
7. 07 Ghost
8. Black Blood Brothers
9. Zombie Loan
10. Devil May Cry

I really like these anime a lot!